
My rich applied research experience and commitment to strengths-based scholarship inform my teaching philosophy. As a teacher and mentor, I aim to support my students and mentees to understand the causes and consequences of inequality and engage with the social issues they care about in an equity-minded, supportive environment

Classroom Experience

Instructor of Record 

Overall Course Rating: Mean: 4.42 (out of 5); Median: 4.5

The instructor motivated me to do my best work: Mean: 4.75 (out of 5); Median: 5

How would you rate the instructor overall as a teacher: Mean: 4.83 (out of 5); Median: 5

Head Teaching Assistant 

Teaching Assistant 

Workshop Instructor & Facilitator 

Student Testimonials

Dr. Leer was warm, considerate, and collaborative, which encouraged me to challenge myself.” 

The course establishes clear norms and expectations, emphasizing respect, constructive criticism, expansion of ideas, awareness of privilege, and self-care during class.” 

We learned lots of practical information about children’s contexts that I expect to use in my profession.”

"Overall, the strengths of this course lie in its comprehensive coverage of child development, connection to real–life applications, emphasis on contextual factors, promotion of inclusivity, active participation, and a supportive learning environment."

"Jane was a great TA! She explained concepts well and was very helpful in working through labs and STATA problems."